Guest post by Docker Captain Bret Fisher, a DevOps consultant and the creator of the popular Docker Mastery Udemy course. Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE for a free, one day virtual event at I have the...
Bret Fisher
DockerCon LIVE 2020: Captains on Deck!
This is a guest post from Docker Captain Bret Fisher, a long-time DevOps sysadmin and speaker who teaches container skills with his popular Docker Mastery courses Docker Mastery, Kubernetes Mastery, Docker for Node.js, and Swarm Mastery, weekly YouTube Live shows....
Top 4 Tactics To Keep Node.js Rockin’ in Docker
There’s a ton of info out there on using Node.js with Docker, but so much of it is years out of date, and I’m here to help you optimize your setups for Node.js 10+ and Docker 18.09+.