dockercon – Docker Thu, 16 Feb 2023 01:08:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dockercon – Docker 32 32 How to Implement Decentralized Storage Using Docker Extensions Thu, 27 Oct 2022 14:00:00 +0000 This is a guest post written by Marton Elek, Principal Software Engineer at Storj.

In part one of this two-part series, we discussed the intersection of Web3 and Docker at a conceptual level. In this post, it’s time to get our hands dirty and review practical examples involving decentralized storage.

We’d like to see how we can integrate Web3 projects with Docker. At the beginning we have to choose from two options:

  1. We can use Docker to containerize any Web3 application. We can also start an IPFS daemon or an Ethereum node inside a container. Docker resembles an infrastructure layer since we can run almost anything within containers.
  2. What’s most interesting is integrating Docker itself with Web3 projects. That includes using Web3 to help us when we start containers or run something inside containers. In this post, we’ll focus on this portion.

The two most obvious integration points for a container engine are execution and storage. We choose storage here since more mature decentralized storage options are currently available. There are a few interesting approaches for decentralized versions of cloud container runtimes (like ankr), but they’re more likely replacements for container orchestrators like Kubernetes — not the container engine itself.

Let’s use Docker with decentralized storage. Our example uses Storj, but all of our examples apply to almost any decentralized cloud storage solution.

Storj Components

Storj is a decentralized cloud storage where node providers are compensated to host the data, but metadata servers (which manage the location of the encrypted pieces) are federated (many, interoperable central servers can work together with storage providers).

It’s important to mention that decentralized storage almost always requires you to use a custom protocol. A traditional HTTP upload is a connection between one client and one server. Decentralization requires uploading data to multiple servers. 

Our goal is simple: we’d like to use docker push and docker pull commands with decentralized storage instead of a central Docker registry. In our latest DockerCon presentation, we identified multiple approaches:

  • We can change Docker and containerd to natively support different storage options
  • We can provide tools that magically download images from decentralized storage and persists them in the container engine’s storage location (in the right format, of course)
  • We can run a service which translates familiar Docker registry HTTP requests to a protocol specific to the decentralized cloud
    • Users can manage this themselves.
    • This can also be a managed service.

Leveraging native support

I believe the ideal solution would be to extend Docker (and/or the underlying containerd runtime) to support different storage options. But this is definitely a bigger challenge. Technically, it’s possible to modify every service, but massive adoption and a big user base mean that large changes require careful planning.

Currently, it’s not readily possible to extend the Docker daemon to use special push or pull targets. Check out our presentation on extending Docker if you’re interested in technical deep dives and integration challenges. The best solution might be a new container plugin type, which is being considered.

One benefit of this approach would be good usability. Users can leverage common push or pull commands. But based on the host, the container layers can be sent to a decentralized storage.

Using tool-based push and pull

Another option is to upload or download images with an external tool — which can directly use remote decentralized storage and save it to the container engine’s storage directory.

One example of this approach (but with centralized storage) is the AWS ECR container resolver project. It provides a CLI tool which can pull and push images using a custom source. It also saves them as container images of the containerd daemon.

Unfortunately this approach also have some strong limitations:

  • It couldn’t work with a container orchestrator like Kubernetes, since they aren’t prepared to run custom CLI commands outside of pulling or pushing images.
  • It’s containerd specific. The Docker daemon – with different storage – couldn’t use it directly.
  • The usability is reduced since users need different CLI tools.

Using a user-manager gateway

If we can’t push or pull directly to decentralized storage, we can create a service which resembles a Docker registry and meshes with any client.ut under the hood, it uploads the data using the decentralized storage’s native protocol.

This thankfully works well, and the standard Docker registry implementation is already compatible with different storage options. 

At Storj, we already have an implementation that we use internally for test images. However, the nerdctl ipfs subcommand is another good example for this approach (it starts a local registry to access containers from IPFS).

We have problems here as well:

  • Users should run the gateway on each host. This can be painful alongside Kubernetes or other orchestrators.
  • Implementation can be more complex and challenging compared to a native upload or download.

Using a hosted gateway

To make it slightly easier one can provide a hosted version of the gateway. For example, Storj is fully S3 compatible via a hosted (or self-hosted) S3 compatible HTTP gateway. With this approach, users have three options:

  • Use the native protocol of the decentralized storage with full end-to-end encryption and every feature
  • Use the convenient gateway services and trust the operator of the hosted gateways.
  • Run the gateway on its own

While each option is acceptable, a perfect solution still doesn’t exist.

Using Docker Extensions

One of the biggest concerns with using local gateways was usability. Our local registry can help push images to decentralized storage, but it requires additional technical work (configuring and running containers, etc.)

This is where Docker Extensions can help us. Extensions are a new feature of Docker Desktop. You can install them via the Docker Dashboard, and they can provide additional functionality — including new screens, menu items, and options within Docker Desktop. These are discoverable within the Extensions Marketplace:

Extensions Marketplace

And this is exactly what we need! A good UI can make Web3 integration more accessible for all users.

Docker Extensions are easily discoverable within the Marketplace, and you can also add them manually (usually for the development).

At Storj, we started experimenting with better user experiences by developing an extension for Docker Desktop. It’s still under development and not currently in the Marketplace, but feedback so far has convinced us that it can massively improve usability, which was our biggest concern with almost every available integration option.

Extensions themselves are Docker containers, which make the development experience very smooth and easy. Extensions can be as simple as a metadata file in a container and static HTML/JS files. There are special JavaScript APIs that manipulate the Docker daemon state without a backend.

You can also use a specialized backend. The JavaScript part of the extension can communicate with any containerized backend via a mounted socket.

The new docker extension command can help you quickly manage extensions (as an example: there’s a special docker extension dev debug subcommand that shows the Web Developer Toolbar for Docker Desktop itself.)

Storj Docker Registry Extension

Thanks to the provided developer tools, the challenge is not creating the Docker Desktop extension, but balancing the UI and UX.


As we discussed in our previous post, Web3 should be defined by user requirements, not by technologies (like blockchain or NFT). Web3 projects should address user concerns around privacy, data control, security, and so on. They should also be approachable and easy to use.

Usability is a core principle of containers, and one reason why Docker became so popular. We need more integration and extension points to make it easier for Web3 project users to provide what they need. Docker Extensions also provide a very powerful way to pair good integration with excellent usability.

We welcome you to try our Storj Extension for Docker (still under development). Please leave any comments and feedback via GitHub.

DockerCon 2022: Community-powered, Developer-obsessed Tue, 10 May 2022 15:00:43 +0000 DockerCon 2022 represents the 8th year of DockerCon. The very first one in June 2014 in San Francisco welcomed 300 participants; last year’s all-virtual DockerCon 2021 welcomed 80,000, and we’re expecting the same this year. The growth in DockerCon participation is a reflection of the growth in the broader Docker developer community: 12 million registered Docker developers from more than 200 countries who collectively have created and shared more than 14 million images which are downloaded 13 billion times per month from Docker Hub.

Docker's Ukraine-colored ship sails the open seas.

What’s driving this growth? It’s the global demand for new applications, and Docker gives developers the speed, the choice in tools and deployment, and the security they need to meet this demand. Today at DockerCon you’ll hear many stories from developers about the challenges they faced and how they addressed them with Docker.

To give developers more speed and more choice, today at DockerCon we’re announcing Docker Extensions, the easiest, fastest way for developers to discover, integrate, and start using ecosystem partner tools to build modern apps. Docker Senior Product Manager Amy Bass penned a blog post overview of Docker Extensions, the developer use cases they address, and the 15 Docker Extension launch partners. Check it out here.

Continuing to provide developers choice, today at DockerCon we also announced Docker Desktop for Linux. Docker Desktop has been available for Mac and Windows workstation developers for years and offers them:

  • One-click install and config of open source app development tools, including the Docker Engine, Kubernetes, Docker CLI, Docker Compose, BuildKit, and more;
  • Automatic, incremental functional and security updates;
  • An integrated, managed, and secured Linux VM for running tools and containers; and
  • Integration with the Mac and Windows host filesystems and networking stacks.

With today’s launch of Docker Desktop for Linux, we’re bringing these benefits to Linux workstation developers (and delivering on one of the top-requested features from our public product roadmap). Check-out Docker Senior Product Manager Chris McLellan’s blog post to learn more.

Docker Extensions and Docker Desktop for Linux are just two of the more than 7000+ new features, fixes, and updates we’ve shipped to developers these last 12 months. In addition, we’re providing 14 PB storage, 35 million Docker Engine downloads per month, and 31 PB of network egress per month … 100% free to developers.

Why? Because we want to make Docker accessible to all developers. While the market today stands at 26 million developers, it is expected to grow to 45 million by the end of this decade. And by our estimates more than 80% of developers continue to use Docker Desktop for free. Less than 20% of developers work for large companies, and for those companies using Docker for production applications and needing more visibility, manageability, and security for the 100s or 1000s of developers using Docker, they purchase a Docker subscription. This allows us to hire more engineers to build more features for developers, faster, and to grow our business sustainably.

With the developer market growing to 45 million developers this decade, growing Docker sustainably allows us to serve every developer, current and future. Sustainability means more than simply free access to Docker: it means enabling the next generation of developers to explore areas like AI/ML, serverless/FaaS, WASM, Web3 and more with the Docker tools, skills, and standards they already know. The DockerCon team has built this year’s agenda specifically to help developers ship today’s apps faster as well as to help them prepare for the future.

DockerCon is by developers, for developers, and, eight years in, we continue to be impressed by the creativity and openness of this community. We’re looking forward to a great day!

Learn More

DockerCon 2022 Registration Is Now Open Fri, 01 Apr 2022 14:00:28 +0000 It’s time to make some space in May’s calendar because DockerCon 2022 registration is officially open! The two-day virtual event will be May 9th-10th, 2022.

Global Interactive Virtual Event: Tuesday, May 10th

The core DockerCon 2022 virtual event takes place on Tuesday, May 10th. It’ll be packed with product demos, panel discussions, hacks, tips, deep dive technical sessions, and more.

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The full agenda is coming mid-April, but here’s a sneak peak of the tracks:

  • Mainstage: Watch live keynotes with the latest updates from Docker, fireside chats with industry luminaries, customers stories, and more. You’ll also get product demos and lightning talks showing what the new releases can do.
  • Discover: Cloud native development is doing incredible things—but it’s also making applications more complex than ever. Find out how to remove the complexity and make the process simpler.
  • Learn: Stop spending so much time on the everyday hurdles. From APIs to languages to kubernetes, get tips, tricks and solutions for tackling the most common developer problems straight from the experts.
  • Excel: Expand the skill set of you and your team for more productivity. Get best practices and new tool insights directly from Docker experts and leaders in the Docker community of developers.
  • Blackbelt: Take your Docker expertise to a whole new level with these sessions. Each one is tailored around giving advanced Docker users new tools and techniques to do more with Docker than ever.

Follow one track the whole way, or pick and choose to build your own personal journey. Best of all, they’re all going to be available on-demand after DockerCon, so you can reference your favorite sessions and catch the ones you missed!

NEW! Getting Started with Docker Workshop: Monday, May 9th

This year we’re also adding something new to DockerCon: The Getting Started with Docker workshop designed to help you get started with Docker and learn how to use it to launch containerized applications.

Sr. Developer Advocate at Docker Shy Ruparel will walk you through how to set up Docker and Docker Desktop, run your first container, create a basic web application with Python and Docker, manage dependencies in your projects across multiple platforms, and push a Docker Image to Docker Hub.

The 3-hour workshop will cover:

  • Intro and brief history of Docker
  • Getting started with Docker and Docker Desktop
  • Making and using containers
  • Taking advantage of Docker Hub to find Official Images
  • Persistent data with volumes
  • Multiple Docker containers at once with Docker Compose
  • Deploying containers to the cloud
  • Quick peek at Docker Extensions

Like DockerCon, this workshop is a free virtual event. And to make it easier for people around the world to attend, you can join Shy at either 7:00am-10:00am PDT or 4:00pm-7:00pm PDT.

Register for DockerCon and the Getting Started Workshop

Join the community of developers from around the world. And learn how to use Docker to make application development simpler, easier, and more secure than ever.

Register today!

Questions about DockerCon or the workshop? Reach out on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

DockerCon: What Makes a Successful CFP Submission Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:56:30 +0000 The DockerCon 2022 Call for Papers is now open! DockerCon is one of the largest developer events in the world, with over 80,000 developers registering for each of the last two events. At the core of DockerCon is the chance for members of the community to share their tips, tricks, best practices and real-world experiences with one another. With the opening of the CFP, I also want to share some insights and suggestions to help you create a submission set up for success.

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First: it helps to know your audience. At DockerCon, we draw attendees from all over the world with a range of experiences from newbie to guru. In general, however, the majority of the developers who attend DockerCon fall into these three categories:

  • New developers, who are just getting started with containerization, using Docker, and building cloud native applications. Sessions introducing Docker, ones that put Docker into context of popular programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Go, .NET and Java, and that help a developer get up and running are quite popular. In these cases, sharing the details you wish you knew when you were getting started make for outstanding sessions and are some of our most viewed content.
  • Experienced developers, who use Docker but are looking for ways to get their applications built faster and grow their capabilities (both in terms of features as well as individual skills). Proposals for sessions that share best practices, case studies from real-world development experience, as well as ways to incorporate automation, scalability and security within a development inner loop. These all meet the needs of developers with more experience.
  • Expert developers, who are digging into the command line, building Docker Images from scratch, and contributing to OSS projects. These developers are attracted to the “black belt” sessions that dive into the internals of the Docker Engine, extensibility and integration into other tools such as CI/CD, repositories, and CSPs. Examples that show how hard problems are solved, how the Docker Engine works, digging into OSS projects, and showing how you can “run with scissors” make for compelling content on cutting-edge topics.

Next, it’s important to connect with developers in a natural and accessible way. What did you learn from your project? What surprised you? What do you wish you knew before you started your last project? These kinds of experiences are incredibly valuable, and help your peers move quickly and successfully by learning from your lessons. Mistakes can be the best teacher, don’t shy away from sharing these and what they taught you.

Finally, think of your session at DockerCon as the beginning of someone’s learning journey. I want you to create materials that help accelerate a developer’s application of lessons learned in their own projects. Sessions should have materials that help a developer take what they’ve learned and apply it quickly in their own app. As you write your sample code, think how you can package it for use by your attendees: create an awesome-compose example, a Docker Dev Environment, a GitHub repo with the sample code, or other ways to take your code and deliver it in a way to jump start a developer learning journey. We are prioritizing selection of sessions with these assets included in the talk, but more importantly, it will create a better experience for your audience.

I can’t wait to see what great ideas you have for this year’s DockerCon. The deadline is March 3rd, If you have any questions, comments or just want to connect. You can reach me in our Community Slack or on twitter at @pmckee.


Join us for DockerCon2022 on Tuesday, May 10. DockerCon is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon 2022 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at

DockerCon LIVE 2021 Recapped: Top 5 Sessions Tue, 22 Jun 2021 15:24:26 +0000 You came, you participated, you learned. You helped us pull off another DockerCon — and, my fellow developers, it was good. How good? About 80,000 folks registered for the May 27 virtual event — on a par with last year.

We threw a lot at you, from demos and product announcements to company updates and more — all of it focused on modern application delivery in a cloud-native world. But some clear favorites emerged. Here’s a rundown of the top 5 sessions, which zeroed in on some of the everyday issues and challenges facing our developer community.


#1. How Much Kubernetes Do I Need to Learn?

Kubernetes isn’t simple and the learning curve is steep, but the upside to mastering this powerful and flexible system is huge. So it’s natural for developers to ask how much Kubernetes is “just enough” to get productive. Clearly, many of you shared that question, making this the Número Uno session of DockerCon LIVE 2021. Docker Captain Elton Stoneman, a consultant and trainer at Sixeyed Consulting, walks you through the Kubernetes platform, clarifying core concepts around services, deployments, replica sets, pods, config maps and secrets, and sharing demos to show how they all work together. He also shows how simple and complex apps are defined as Kubernetes manifests, and clarifies the line between dev and ops.

#2. A Pragmatic Tour of Docker Filesystems

Mutagen founder Jacob Howard takes on the heroic task of dispelling the mists of confusion that developers often encounter when starting out with containerized development. Sure, container filesystems can seem like an impenetrable mess, but Jacob carefully makes the case for why the relationship between file systems and containers actually makes a lot of sense, even to non-developers. He also provides a pragmatic guide to container filesystem concepts, options and performance that can serve as a rule of thumb for selecting the right solution(s) for your use case.

#3. Top Dockerfile Security Best Practices

In this webinar, Alvaro Iradier Muro, an integrations engineer at Sysdig, goes deep on Dockerfile best practices for image builds to help you prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications. He shows you straightforward ways to avoid unnecessary privileges, reduce the attack surface with multistage builds, prevent confidential data leaks, detect bad practices and more, including how to go beyond image building to harden container security at runtime. It all comes down to building well-crafted Dockerfiles, and Alvaro shows how to do so by removing known risks in advance, so you can reduce security management and operational overhead.

#4. Databases on Containers

Only in the last few years has running high-performance stateful applications inside containers become a reality — a shift made possible by the rise of Kubernetes and performance improvements in Docker. Denis Souza Rosa, a developer advocate at Couchbase, answers many of the common questions that arise in connection with this new normal: Why should I run these applications inside containers in the first place? What are the challenges? Is it production ready? In this demo, Denis deploys a database and operator long with fail nodes, and he shows how to scale up and down with almost no manual intervention using state-of-the-art technology.

#5. A Day in the Life of a Developer: Moving Code from Development to Production Without Losing Control

Learn how to take control of your development process in ways you never thought possible with Nick Chase, director of technical marketing and developer relations at Mirantis. Nick zeroes in on how only a true software development pipeline can prevent serious problems such as security holes, configuration errors, and business issues such as executive approval for promotion of changes. Along the way, he covers what a complete software supply chain looks like, common “weak links” and how to strengthen them, how to integrate your workflow as a developer, and what to do when business concerns affect the pipeline.

If you missed these popular sessions last month, now’s your chance to catch them. Or maybe you just want to see them again. Either way, check out the recordings. They’re informative, practical and free!

We have a complete container solution for you – no matter who you are and where you are on your containerization journey. Get started with Docker today here.

What Not to Miss at DockerCon 2021 Thu, 20 May 2021 13:00:00 +0000 You’ll have no shortage of content to choose from at DockerCon 2021. The one-day virtual event on May 27 will offer a smorgasbord of demonstrations, product announcements, company updates and more — all of it focused on modern application delivery in a cloud-native world.

But if you need some help narrowing down what’s in the must-see category, allow us to recommend the following key sessions. They include hands-on coding using Docker’s new HTTP APIs, a dive into Docker Dev Environments, tips for navigating a multi-architecture world, and what to do if your container image has more vulnerabilities than you have Twitter followers.

Check them out. They’re all free! And if you can’t participate live, you can watch recordings at your own pace.

dockercon21 Social banners live 4

DockerCon LIVE 2021
Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at

Beyond the UI: Hands-on coding with Docker’s new HTTP APIs
Speaker: Mark Higson (Docker)
Websites, desktop apps and CLIs can’t cover every use case. When developers need to do something specialised, they turn to APIs. Learn how Docker’s new API First strategy is driving internal development, and follow along on a practical, realistic coding exercise that puts them to use.

How much Kubernetes do I need to learn?
Speaker: Elton Stoneman (Consultant)
Kubernetes sets your containers free – you can run them in any cloud using the same Docker images you use on your laptop. It’s a difficult technology to learn, but this session guides you through the key concepts and shows you Kubernetes in practice using a local cluster in Docker Desktop.

Docker Dev Environments: a New Way to Collaborate Without Git Conflicts
Speakers: Benjamin De St Paer-Gotch, Djordje Lukic and Guillaume Lours (Docker)
We will start with an introduction to Docker Dev Environments: What they are, what problems they solve and how they work. We’ll then dive into where we’ll be taking them over the next few months and talk about features like: portable volumes, consistent sidecar containers and tooling, connecting from Desktop to the cloud, Docker Workspaces and more!

From fig to the Docker CLI: What’s new with Compose?
Speaker: Nicolas de Loof (Docker)
Do you love Docker Compose or are you just getting started in the Docker ecosystem? This talk is for you either way! You’ll learn more about where Compose came from, what it can do and what’s new with Compose.

My container image has 500 vulnerabilities, now what?
Speaker: Matt Jarvis (Snyk)
I scanned my container, and now I have a huge list of vulnerabilities – what do I do now? Developers now need to understand how we can assess security risk, prioritization and how we go about starting to remediate. Don’t panic, I’ll talk you through what we need to consider and how to get started!

Lessons learned deploying application on AWS using the new Docker Compose CLI integration
Speakers: Massimo Re Ferrè (AWS) and Dexter Legaspi (SiriusXM-Pandora)
Cloud deployments is a hot topic and this talk is all about how to help Docker practitioners make that jump leveraging their existing Docker knowledge and the assets they have already created. Docker compose up … in the cloud!

Optimizing Docker builds: successes, failures, and instrumented observability
Speaker: Nicole Rifkin (SimplyBusiness)
Our Dockerfile was a hot mess. We needed it to build faster. The result was a messier Dockerfile. It was impossible to know if adding ‘more grease’ was making it faster or slower. Learn how we made sense of our spaghetti code with instrumented observability!

I have an M1 Mac, now what? Docker in a multi-arch world
Speaker: Tonis Tiigi (Docker)
In this session, you’ll learn how to work with containers in teams that use a mix of different architectures. We’ll cover how to make sure you are using the correct base images and what you should know when writing Dockerfiles so they work across architectures. We’ll look at how “docker buildx” command can be used to create multi-platform images and set up multi-platform builder clusters, as well as when to use the emulation layer built into Docker desktop or cross-compilation.

Answering Your Questions at DockerCon LIVE 2021 Wed, 19 May 2021 18:20:31 +0000  Guest post by Docker Captain Bret Fisher, a DevOps consultant and the creator of the popular Docker Mastery Udemy course. Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE for a free, one day virtual event at

I have the pleasure of hosting many of the live events at DockerCon this year. You may remember my 7+ hour non-stop live stream from last year’s DockerCon LIVE 2020 with nearly 20 guests:


We’re back!

This year we’re calling them Live Panels. You’ll find them in their own track in the schedule.

If you’ve never visited one of my live streams before, they tend to be DevOps focused, and as practical and real-world as we can be. Come ready to ask my guests questions in chat on our selected topics, and we’ll do our best to answer as many as we can! You get to guide the conversation with the live stream chat Q&A.

I’m hosting three live panels on three topics. I wanted to discuss the top three things that I think are the hottest topics in Docker and Cloud Native container tech today for developers and DevOps professionals, so be sure to stop by my streams:

Easy CI With Docker

Thursday, May 27th, 10:45 AM US Pacific UTC -7

I’m joined by a panel of CI professionals as we take your questions live for an hour on all things Docker testing!  We’ll also discuss our opinions on our favorite tools, workflows, and where we think container-based CI is heading.

FutureOps: End-to-end GitOps

Thursday, May 27th, 1:00 PM US Pacific UTC -7

Now getting into more of the continuous deployment realm, my guest panel of DevOps professionals will take your questions for an hour on topics like CD, GitOps, and infrastructure-as-code!  We’ll also discuss our favorite tools, workflows, and guess where IaC and GitOps is heading.

Sysadminless: Running Containers Without Servers

Thursday, May 27th, 3:15 PM US Pacific UTC -7

The future of sysadmin is YAML!  Or maybe. I’m joined by a panel of infrastructure professionals and we take your questions live for an hour on all things cloud infra and self-managing container solutions!  We’ll also discuss our favorite tools, services, and where “sysadminless” might be headed.

I can’t wait to host another DockerCon live stream and I hope you’ll join us on the 27th for tons of sessions and live streams on the future of Docker. You can find me at @BretFisher and

Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at

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Community Rooms at DockerCon LIVE 2021 Tue, 04 May 2021 16:04:57 +0000 dockercon21 Community rooms header

The Docker community spans the four corners of the world. To celebrate the global nature of our community at DockerCon this year, we’ve created something new: Community Rooms.

Building on the learnings of our “regional rooms experiment” during our last Community All-Hands, Community Rooms are virtual spaces that DockerCon attendees will be able to join to discuss, share and learn about Docker in their own language and/or around a specific topic area. 

100% LIVE

The main focus of these Community Rooms is to bring people together and encourage interaction so we have set them up to be 100% live. Yep, that’s right, all the content you’ll find in these rooms, whether they’re talks, demos, workshops, panel discussions etc. will be in real-time, all broadcast over a live Zoom link. 

Hosted by the Community for the Community

Each Community Room will be overseen by Docker Captains and Community Leaders. They will be responsible for every aspect of the room, from the curation of content, to the management of the schedule, to the recruitment of the speakers, to the moderation of their room’s live chat. 

There will be seven community rooms to choose from, each with one or several hosts: 

Managing time-zones

We’re mindful that for a good portion of the world, the sun will have already set by the time DockerCon begins at 9am Pacific Time. To accommodate for this Community Rooms will be accessible for 24 hours from the event kick-off, ensuring all time zones are covered. For example, to factor in the 14 hour time difference with Japan, sessions in the Japan Room will take place *after* DockerCon is effectively over.  

Interested in speaking in a Community Room?

If you’re interested in participating in one of these rooms, whether it’s giving a talk about a cool project you’re working, or running a workshop or doing a mind-blowing demo, don’t hesitate to fill out this submission form. If you have any questions or if you want to know more about a specific Community Room, please feel free to contact one of the hosts mentioned above. 

Stay tuned!

In about two weeks we’ll publish the final schedule for each room. We’re really excited about DockerCon LIVE 2021 and we hope these community rooms will bring together as many people from the community from as many parts of the world as possible.

And May the 4th be with you

Join Us for DockerCon LIVE 2021  

Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at

10 Reasons to Attend DockerCon LIVE 2021 Fri, 30 Apr 2021 16:41:19 +0000 dockercon21 Social banners live 2

DockerCon Live 2021 is almost here and it’s going to be one to remember. Our one-day, all-digital event on May 27 will be jam-packed with the application development technology, skills, tools and people you need to help solve the problems you face day to day — all for free.

Designed for developers by developers, this year’s event is all about modern application delivery in a cloud-native world. At DockerCon, you’ll learn how Docker helps you grow your development capacity and community connections so you can accelerate how you build, share and run your applications, and spend more of your time actually coding the next great application.

Ten Reasons to Attend

  1. Get the scoop. Be the first to see the latest Docker innovations, features and technology updates.
  2. Hear from industry leaders. In addition to Docker’s executive team, the speaker lineup includes AWS, Cockroach Labs, Instana, Mirantis, Accurics, Snyk and other companies that will share how Docker is an integral part of their software supply chain.
  3. Get up close. See live, on-demand technical demos.
  4. Connect. Network with peers and a vibrant community of developers, and connect with Docker Captains and Community Leaders.
  5. Learn. Attend tutorials on how to get started with containers and how to use multiple languages.
  6. Be in the know. Check out the latest partner solutions and integrations, including what’s new with tools and partner integration.
  7. Share. Trade experiences with developers like you about creating leading-edge cloud-native applications for any cloud environment.
  8. Interact. Talk to a panel of experts and industry leaders who have solved the same problems you’re facing.
  9. Get up to speed. Learn about Docker’s built-in security for images and more.
  10. Absorb. Get tips and insights about best practices from innovative organizations that are building next-generation applications with Docker.

If you’re a developer or part of a development team that’s building the next generation of modern applications, DockerCon is for you. Software developers, application developers, engineering directors, dev managers, chief architects, cloud architects — all are welcome.

Content is targeted for all levels, whether you’re new to Docker or advanced. Can’t attend live? No problem — you can watch recordings after the event at your own pace to fit your schedule.

But first you have to register

Join Us for DockerCon LIVE 2021  
Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at

DockerCon LIVE 2021: One Month Before Lift Off Mon, 26 Apr 2021 21:14:46 +0000 dockercon21 Social banners live 4

WIth exactly one month before lift off, here’s a quick update on all the goodness that awaits you at this year’s DockerCon LIVE 2021. Like last year, we’ll have one full day of keynotes, breakout sessions across several tracks and live panels and interviews. The current agenda and full list of speakers is available on our website.  

Engaging in real-time

A big focus is live content and interaction between speakers and attendees. Our partners at The Cube have worked hard on improving their conference platform and expanding on functionality, so get ready for more real-time content and awesome new features to help speakers and attendees connect, meet, greet, share and learn from each other. 


To help set the stage, that day kick’s with must-see keynotes from Docker leadership and compelling guest speakers. We’ll have a special post about our keynote line-up on our blog soon.

Breakout sessions

We’re still building out the schedule (yes, that’s what happens when you have so much awesome content to work with!) but we anticipate that we’ll have at least 40 breakout sessions with an absolutely stellar line-up of speakers. You can find the current list of speakers here and the agenda here.

Live Panels

This year we want to put more emphasis on the word “live” in “DockerCon LIVE”. We’ll be hosting several live panels (yep, in real time!) hosted by Docker’s Head of Developer Relations, Peter McKee and Docker Captain Extraordinaire, Bret Fisher. These panels will cover a range of topics in depth, from security, to the future of container development, to running containers without infrastructure. 

Community Rooms

Building on last year’s awesome Captains on Deck track, we’re expanding on the idea and broadening the scope even further by introducing “Community Rooms”. These rooms will be virtual spaces for attendees to come together to present, demo, discuss content about Docker in their own language and/or around a specific thematic area, and in real time. For example, we’ll have a “Brazil Room” for the Portuguese-speaking community to present and talk about all things Docker in Portuguese, while the “WSL2 room” will provide a space for the attendees to present and discuss anything related to WSL2. Each room will be chaired by one or several Docker Captains and will offer 100% live content and interaction. (Stay tuned for more on this in an upcoming blog post).  

The Cube Channel

Like last year, we’ll have a dedicated track for theCUBE’s John Furrier to go behind the scenes to give exclusive interviews with keynote speakers, community leaders and ecosystem partners throughout the day.

Join Us for DockerCon LIVE 2021  
Join us for DockerCon LIVE 2021 on Thursday, May 27. DockerCon LIVE is a free, one day virtual event that is a unique experience for developers and development teams who are building the next generation of modern applications. If you want to learn about how to go from code to cloud fast and how to solve your development challenges, DockerCon LIVE 2021 offers engaging live content to help you build, share and run your applications. Register today at
